May 16, 2008


Office Depot could not fulfill my request to change the shipping address on my online order. I had to cancel. The Feeders Supply fish department employees "did not have time" to break open a large bag of black fish-bowl-bottom rocks so I could buy a dollar bag. I had to buy red rocks, and ended up using marbles. And I just got outbid on Ebay for Super Mario Kart.

I'm tempted to believe these things never happened in Hillsdale. The only thing better than the other side of the fence is "that grass we used to have." Still, seriously, I have applied at five Starbucks, four of which are hiring, none of which have called. That's bull.

But angst be durned. Last night, watching "Juno" with my family and hating the latest "luv-me-cause-I-hate-me" music, I ate a Dove chocolate. Inside the wrapper: "Write a love letter this week." So I did. And Izzy circled like Yeats' falcon by candle light, over his speckled marbles.


Blogger JHitts said...

Call those S'bux Mo'fos back, yo!

May 16, 2008 at 4:56 PM 
Blogger Tony said...

It's that Hillsdale reputation bringing you down -- I'm sure of it -- in each of these interactions. Throw the diploma away too, or, ditto with Jack (someone who has a lot of calls to make too).

May 16, 2008 at 11:02 PM 

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